Thursday, October 28, 2010

Galapagos Marine Iguanas

Marine Iguanas are very unique creatures. They are the only swimming reptiles in the world that are still alive. They can reach depths of 30ft, but can only stay under for about 10 minutes because they are cold blooded. Their population is somewhere in the hundreds of thousands and they live for 5-12 years. When eating, they intake too much salt, so they use glands on their heads to expel it. They are thought to come from other South American lizards and they adapted for diving.

The Galapagos are special islands because of the diversity they contain. They shift and rotate and many are volcanicly active.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Guppy Simulation

Q: if being flashy and colorful attracts predators, why do you think guppies areas colorful?
Flashy guppies attract mates

Q: After viewing the guppy gallery, what fish are most interesting?
A: The fish I find most interesting are the
Poecillia reticulata
Average size: 1.4 inches
Origin: Peru
Coloration: it is a grey guppy with an array of jewel tones on it's abdomen.

Q: Pick the preadator younfind most interesting.
A: The predator I find most interesting is

Pike cichlid
Crenicichla Alta
Origin: Latin America

Q: What habitat conditions would affect the predator populations?
A: the habitat conditions that would affect predators would be the amount of guppies, water temperature, water flow, environment and food, depth, and dams.

Endler's Discovery and Variation of guppies in pools:

Q: Who is John Endler?
A: John Endler was an evolutionary biologist who studies guppies. He studied guppies living in pools for changes in coloration and how it affected them.

Pool 1: Brightly multi-colored with large spots
Pool 2: Medium coloration on body and tail, with medium sized spots
Pool 3: Drab coloration, very small spots concentrated by tail.

Hypothesis: Guppies are developing more brightly colored with the environment for mates, but the drab population is also growing due to preadators targeting the bright guppies.

Guppy Simulation:



Q:Describe how predators influence guppy coloration
A: the more predators there are, the less bright and brightest guppies there are because the predators prey on the most colorful guppies before the more drab guppies.

Q: Was your hypothesis correct?
A: My hypothesis was correct because they brightest guppies thrived in populations with little amounts of predators, being at 58% during only having 30 predators, and bright being at 83% with 60 predators. The drab guppies thrived in the large amounts of predators situation, being at 100% for 90 predators.

Q: What does it mean that "male guppies live in a crossfire between their enemies and their potential mates?
A: It means that the bright guppies have to choose which way to go because it won't work both ways, they either are brightly colored to attract mates and are vulnerable to predators or less vulnerable to predators but have a less chance at getting a mate.

Q: Why do you think guppies in different areas have different coloration?
A: There are factors of how many predators are in the area, in shallower water there is a better chance for bright guppies because there won't be as many predators.

Q: What would happen to mostly drab guppies that were placed in a stream with very few predators?
A: The guppies would be overrun by bright guppies that would reproduce factors.

Q: What would happen to brightly colored guppies that were placed in a stream with many predators?
A: The guppies would be overrun by drab guppies because the bright guppies would be prey for the predators.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How can protecting biodiversity at a local level affect worldwide?
If you protect your local ecosystem it could have species that scientists need to study for medicinal purposes or to research lifespan or discover new species. Biodiversity helps protect food supplies to all animals, even in a large area.

How do habitat destruction and loss of species affect ore than one area?
Species in one area can be dependent off of species far away for food through the chain. When habitats and biodiversity are destroyed, illness can spread from organism to organism.

How does preserving biodiversity enhance the lives of people?
It enhances peoples lives by helping keep the economy alive and not having to spend time and money to restore it, ie cutting down forests and contaminating water would have to have people clean up when they could be moving forward. It also helps because medicine research for diseases come from some of the ecosystems. It also keeps fresh oxygen and water so we have a constant supply, and keeps the plants and animals we eat alive and healthy.