Monday, August 30, 2010

Love Canal Town Meeting Questions

What questions would you ask, as a townsperson, in the love canal town meeting?

1. Where are the areas that are still affected and how are they blocked off?
2. What chemicals still remain in the area?
3. What is the research to prove that chemicals still exist?
4. Why did the EPA classify it as "habitable" if you are convinced it's not?
5. Have residents that have stayed become immune to the chemicals?

Catalyst 8/30/10

The Love Canal Q&A

Q: What caused the toxic waste to begin being pushed to the surface?

A:Heavy snowfall in the winter of 1978 built up on the top of the love canal area. When the early spring came and defrosted everything, the water seeped down into the ground, forcing the chemical waste upwards.

Q: What are some of the health hazards associated with the chemicals dumped there?

A: Many of the chemicals that were dumped caused cancer and liver damage. They caused birth defects, miscarriage, and premature birth in pregnant women.

Q: Besides humans how are other parts of the ecosystem affected by this?

A: Other parts of the ecosystem are affected by this because the chemical waste spilled into the water and foliage. The water was contaminated so no people could use it as drinking, cooking, or cleaning water safely. In toxic areas, no trees could grow, and 40 acres on and near the site are useless because of the containment.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Hazards of Oil Dispersants

Are the chemical dispersants that are supposed to be "solving" the oil spill in the gulf of Mexico really helping?
These oil dispersants that were supposed to help are highly toxic, more toxic than oil. Exxon would go public with the ingredients in the dispersants, causing toxicologists to try and find the ingredients themselves. The ingredients in the product are very harmful to marine and land animals. It can cause internal bleeding, cancer, skin ulcers, eye and mouth burns, and much more.
The dispersants can harm people as well. Just swimming in the water will make you sick.
The chemicals being poured into the gulf are making a more toxic environment than just the oil. The dispersants are petroleum based and have many, many more toxic chemicals. The oil and dispersants together are more toxic than either one alone. Are we really helping?
The government has been saying that our efforts are working, and that more than 50% of the oil is gone. But in fact, the oil has sunk below the surface. Not only is it not helping, but consider the long term effects on the animals.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

8th grade DLC

Chemical Dispersants.

What are they really doing to the oil spill?

How much are animals impacted?

What could we be using instead?